dear professor, do you live in a vacuum?
2008, Subito Press
Dear Professor
an excerpt from Dear Professor, Do You Live in a Vacuum?
I should have dropped your class.
If I’d known how badly I was going to do,
I’d have found another way to get credit.
All I needed was a C.
There should be a class for people like me.
It might be a relief for both of us.
Think about it.
You wouldn’t expect very much,
and we wouldn’t disappoint you.
“Nin Andrews’ “Dear Professor, Do You Live in a Vacuum?” is a pioneer in epistolary poetry. With hilariously sublime results, her poems take the form of befuddled e-mails from struggling students to their physics professor. While Nin Andrews uses the line break the way comics use the punch line, the poems are also profound in their insights regarding power, male/female relationships, and spirituality. Nin Andrews has an insatiable, tender, and wry imagination.”